Rejuran I (Rejuran Eye)

Rejuran I is an anti-aging injectable treatment from Korea which contains polynucleotides (PN) derived from Salmon DNA. By administering PN into the dermis, it can stimulate collagen production and assist in tissue repair, providing rejuvenation to the eye area.

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How is Rejuran I different from Rejuran Healer?

Rejuran I is more liquid than Rejuran healer, hence it can be used more safely in the thin skin around the eyes without causing lumps and bumps.

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Benefits of Rejuran I

  • Anti-aging skin rejuvenation
  • Increased skin elasticity and firmness
  • Reduction in fine lines/wrinkles
  • Reduction of dark eye circles, brightening of eye area

Frequently Asked Questions

3-4 treatment sessions are recommended, with an interval of 4 weeks between each treatment.

Maintenance phase: a single treatment every 6 months is ideal.

It is done similarly to Rejuran.

First, numbing cream is applied for about 30-45minutes. After cleansing off the numbing cream, small amounts are injected all over into the treatment area, creating little bumps that will resolve with time. With numbing cream, it is well tolerated by most people.

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