Shrink Enlarged Pores 101 – Effective Results

Many of us have enlarged pores especially around the T-zone (forehead, nose, and chin area) and areas adjacent to our nose in Singapore. With many factors at play such as genetics and the weather in Singapore, it is difficult to find the perfect solution. How many of us have tried many ways like using a pore strip, making a homemade mask from egg white and lemon juice, or using clay masks or instruments like the extractor to remove blackheads and hopefully reduce the size of our pores over time? While reducing pore size is possible, getting rid of pores completely may not be.

What is causing your Enlarged Pores?

Enlarged pores can be caused by genetics, your genes are the greatest determining factor in your pore size. They can also be due to environment factors such as sun exposure. Sun damage can thicken the skin, which leads to bigger pores. Prolonged sun exposure can also remove collagen, elastin and water from your skin, which causes the tissue beneath your skin to shrink and pull at the edges of your pores, making them sag and look bigger. An excess amount of oil and dead skin cells gathering in your pores can cause pores to appear larger than usual.

If you are looking for a cosmetic treatment that can help reduce the appearance of your enlarged pores, then aesthetic treatments are the right choice. Aesthetic treatments are a great and effective solution to enlarged pores.

Aesthetic Facials

Having a facial done by a trained professional helps to remove comedones (a closed comedone is commonly known as a blackhead, an open comedone a whitehead), exfoliate the skin and sometimes include infusing the skin with serums.

Other alternatives are ProFacial, a hydra dermbrasion treatment suitable for all skin types that combines cleansing, exfoliation, extraction, hydration and antioxidant protection. It typically takes about 30-40 minutes and can be done as often as once week. Most patients prefer to do it every 3-4 weeks in combination with their laser (pico or q-switch) and/or chemical peel treatments.

Pico Laser

Pores in your skin can be enlarged for a number of reasons, including overactive oil glands and sun damage. Pico-Laser shrinks large pores by first targeting overactive oil glands to reduce sebum output, and also by permanently removing the hair follicle. The result is a reduction in pore size as well as an improvement in the overall appearance of your skin. Pico-Laser refers to picosecond lasers that have the following benefits:

-Reduction in the appearance of pigmentation

-Stimulates the production of collagen

-Skin Rejuvenation and aids in evening out skin tone

-Brighter and fairer skin complexion

-Reduction in the appearance of enlarged pores

-Improving acne and reduction in acne outbreaks

Chemical Peels

There are many different types of chemical peels available, and this varies from clinic to clinic. In addition to pre-prepared formulas, some clinics may engage an external compounding pharmacy to develop their own personalised peel. 

In general, peels can be considered as a group of chemicals that are applied topically to the skin. The purpose of the peel is to improve the appearance of skin by removing dead skin cells, stimulating new cell growth and improving the appearance of wrinkles. Peels are generally used to treat ageing or sun damaged skin.

The most common ingredients found in chemical peels are glycolic acid (alpha hydroxy acid), salicylic acid (beta hydroxy acid), lactic acid, citric acid and azelaic acid (ketoic).

In Conclusion

If you want to achieve your desired skin complexion, seek assistance from the professionals at Nexus Aesthetic Clinic. A medical aesthetic clinic that provides evidence-based non-surgical quality aesthetic treatments at affordable prices to help our patients achieve their desired goals safely and with minimal downtime. It is founded by Dr Samantha Tay after years of experience in the medical aesthetic field.